Are you struggling with how to create a more positive, collaborative workplace environment?

  • Do you wonder what it would take for YOUR workplace to earn the reputation for being one of the “best places to work” in your industry or in your community?

  • Are you frustrated with the lack of real communication at work and working with employees who operate in “silos” with a bunker mentality?

  • Are your employees having a difficult time embracing change in the workplace?

  • Do you need to build a more resilient workforce that can manage change more effectively?

  • Do you have a new strategic plan that you need your employees to embrace and turn into action?

  • Do you struggle getting your employees to embrace a service-first mindset to consistently deliver customer service that truly wows your customers?

  • Are you having trouble attracting top talent - the kind of employees that will lead you into the future?

  • Is your company plagued by high levels of stress and burnout, costly employee turnover, or high absenteeism rates?

  • Do you want to be known as an inspiring leader that leaves behind an inspiring legacy?

My mission is to help leaders truly lead and to help organizations re-energize their workplace culture

Meet The Trainer: Hall of Fame Speaker, Michael Kerr

After working as a senior manager in a soul-destroying, dysfunctional workplace, I decided to make it my mission to help leaders truly lead and to help organizations re-energize their workplace culture. 

My passion is sharing real life examples of leaders and organizations that have transformed their culture from a “have to” kind of workplace to a “want to” kind of workplace that drives outrageous results! 

Take the AFA JCDecaux office in Copenhagen, Denmark, who, after only 6 months, went from being an already highly successful company to an even greater level of success by re-energizing their culture. A company where, after only 6 months, virtually every employee agreed with the statement, “I now work for a brand new company!”  

Or consider Argus Industries, from Winnipeg, who have embraced the mantra “Work is hard enough as it is without making it any harder!”. Argus has had virtually zero employee turnover over 10 years because they’ve focused intentionally on building their culture.    

And if you’ve ever doubted that it’s truly possible to dramatically change an entire culture, especially a dysfunctional culture, consider the compelling story of the USS Benfold: A missile destroyer in the US Navy that went from a crew retention rate of 28% to 100%, and transformed itself from a work environment plagued with problems to, after only 15 months, winning an award as the best ship in the US Navy. 

These, and so many other success stories from around the world demonstrate that you really can shift your culture in meaningful ways - and often, that shift can happen relatively quickly and painlessly - as long as you commit to investing intentionally in your culture!  

As a Harvard Business study demonstrated - companies that are intentional about how they hire, train, and treat their employees realize 30% to 300% growth over their competitors. Study, after study, after study reveals similar results: When companies invest in training, invest in their employees, and invest in their culture - the investment pays off in substantial ways.


Which is why I’ve created one of the most-comprehensive e-learning courses and membership sites on workplace culture you’ll find anywhere - 

The Culture Leadership Academy.

The Culture Leadership Academy is a one-stop, comprehensive site designed to help you, your team, and your entire organization take your workplace culture to the next level of success in order to drive outrageous business results.

The results you, your employees, and your customers deserve!

Your organization's leaders and employees will learn:

  • Simple, easily implementable ways to make an immediate and tangible shift in your culture

  • How to attract, recruit, onboard, and train new employees to live your culture out loud

  • How to bring your vision to life and instill a sense of purpose and meaning at work for you and your employees

  • How to reduce “silos” at work and instead encourage employees and teams to communicate and collaborate

  • How to run more effective and fun employee meetings that people actually look forward to instead of dreading!

  • How to create a culture of more open, honest two way communication and ensure employee voices are really heard

  • How to create a culture of curiosity and questioning to drive more innovation and increase the chances of ideas being turned into action

  • Create a culture of pride, recognition and praise to help you engage and motivate employees

  • How to instill a customer service-first mindset and attitude in employees and deliver customer service that stands out from your competition

  • Simple and “safe” ways to lead with humor and use humor to help you and your employees manage stress and be more resilient

  • Understand the 3 things leaders and organizations must do to bring their values to life and make sure employees are living them out loud.

  • Discover the 5 key traits of truly inspiring leaders and how to instill a mindset of leadership and accountability throughout your organization.

  • Learn the 7 communication habits of highly effective leaders

Watch Intro Video

Watch a Free Preview

How to Create a Service-First Mindset and Culture

Rave Reviews

United Therapeutics

Martine Rothblatt, Chairman and CEO

“Michael held the full attention of our Senior Management Team for 4 hours! His leadership philosophy is a fantastic approach that I have encouraged my team to carry forward. I absolutely recommend Michael’s fabulous persona without hesitation.”

Sandvik Canada, Inc.

Dave Thompson, CFO & President

“Michael’s presentation was beyond excellent! You have the unique ability to both entertain and educate, and our audience all felt you had a good understanding of our business challenges, and were darn funny at the same time!”

Orthotics Prosthetics Canada

Dana Cooper, Executive Director

“Michael Kerr was brilliant! An incredible session that received a standing ovation from the audience of healthcare practitioners.”

Public Services and Procurement Canada

Paola Zurro

“Thanks to your suggestions, staff feel engaged and empowered to start creating an inspiring workplace. You have made a huge, positive impact in just 90 minutes!”

Showdown Displays

Kevin Walsh, Chief Marketing & Sales Officer

“I wanted to share with you the amazing customer comments we’ve been receiving - it’s a direct result of your influence. I want you to know that your work makes a real difference!”

Be ready to:

  • BUILD A CULTURE OF LEADERS LEADING LEADERS...and experience less stress, fewer conflicts, and a greater sense of well-being

  • CREATE A MORE INNOVATIVE CULTURE that drives productivity and business results

  • CREATE A SERVICE-FIRST CULTURE to help you stand out from your competition, attract customers, and turn customers into raving fans

  • LEARN WHAT IT TAKES TO LEAD A HIGH-PERFORMING TEAM that drives the kind of results that will make you feel proud of your team and your workplace

  • ATTRACT GREAT EMPLOYEES by creating an inspiring culture that attracts top talent - employees that are the perfect match for your culture, employees that will drive results, employees that will make YOUR life easier!

  • CREATE A HEALTHIER WORKPLACE CULTURE and save enormous costs and stress associated with high levels of employee turnover, absenteeism,

  • EARN ACCOLADES by becoming known as an inspiring place to work in your industry

  • COMMUNICATE WITH CONFIDENCE by learning what it takes to create a more open, honest workplace culture that supports real conversations and honest feedback

  • FINISH YOUR WORKDAY FEELING ENERGIZED instead of drained by reimagining your sense of purpose and meaning at work

Watch Intro Video

Watch a Video from the Course

Turning Your Culture Ship Around: How One Organization Turned Their Culture Around

The research is clear:

Organizations that don’t invest in their workplace culture, in their leadership development, or in their employees’ well being, are less productive,  show lower financial returns, and have much higher costs associated with employee burnout, employee turnover and employee absenteeism.  

Without an investment in your culture, chances are you are going to lose great employees to your competition or have a tough time attracting them in the first place! 

Without an investment in your culture you are going to have a more challenging time attracting and keeping customers and standing out from the herd to be heard!

Without an investment in your culture your employees will have a more difficult time dealing with change at work, being resilient, and being prepared for what the future holds.  

Ideas are the currency of success, and without an intentional investment in your culture, you will lose out on potentially game-changing ideas that could transform your business. 

The 2019 book, Dying for a Paycheck, by Stanford business professor Jeffrey Pfeffer, lays out the argument that people are (it’s right there in the title) literally dying because of their workplace culture.  If that’s not reason enough alone to get serious about investing in your culture, I don’t know what is! 

Work has too huge an impact on our lives to leave your culture to chance.

You owe it to your own family, to your employees and their families, and to your customers, partners and suppliers to create as inspiring a workplace culture as possible! 

So why not invest in your culture because, as you’ll hear about in some of the inspiring success stories,  it’s simply the right thing to do. 

And even if it doesn’t produce the phenomenal results I know it can,  what would you rather have - the same level of success with less fun and enjoyment at work every day, or the same level of success but with a whole lot more fun, meaning and enjoyment infused into your workplace!  

Why You Want Michael Kerr To Train your Team

  • Hall of Fame

    Michael Kerr was inducted into the Canadian Speaking Hall of Fame in 2008 .

  • Forbes & Business Insider

    A frequent contributor to Forbes online and Business Insider.

  • Top 75 Blogs

    His "Inspiring Workplaces" blog has been recognized as one of the top-75 workplace blogs in the world

Which Will You Choose?


You can maintain the status quo - which definitely isn’t going to help prepare you or your organization for the future or leverage your #1 competitive advantage! can try to make substantial changes yourself - but  without the tools, techniques, inspiration and ideas to guide you, chances are you’ll flounder when it comes to creating meaningful,  sustained success. 

You can take a scattergun approach and piece together a number of hodgepodge training programs, but without having everyone receive the same messages consistently, from one source, chances are that approach won’t work.  Not to mention the extra time and cost an approach like that would take! 


The Culture Leadership Academy  is the most comprehensive, holistic approach to leadership training and that it’s one of the few leadership courses that has a meaningful focus on workplace culture. 

While many courses zero in on specific topics like recruiting, customer service, or giving feedback, this really is a “one-stop shopping” online program that offers an in-depth overview and training on every aspect of workplace culture from the convenience of your own office!

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Who is this academy for?

    I’m going to be honest with you. This is an in-depth program, so it’s not for everybody! If you aren’t seriously committed to making changes to your culture then this isn’t for you! Even though I’ll be sharing loads of relevant, easily-implementable ideas, understand that there are no quick fixes or silver bullets. You need to be committed to setting aside the time to do this course and you need to commit to acting! The Culture Leadership Academy is aimed at any leader (in the true sense of the word) interested in making a positive, substantial impact on their workplace. Yes, leadership starts at the highest levels in any organization, so we recommend as many of your managers and supervisors enlist as possible if you are going to make a real difference in your workplace. But remember, in order to change your culture you need as many allies as possible! You need as many people singing from the same proverbial song book as possible, so we recommend key frontline influencers sign up as well: employees who are involved in culture committees, employees you’ve identified as potential future management candidates, and employees who are known as being positive forces should sign up as well! And for many companies, I believe you will realize an enormous benefit and return on investment by ensuring all of your employees gain a deeper understanding of what it takes to contribute to a high-performing culture.

  • Is there a specific start and end date for the course?

    No, you can learn at your own pace and begin as soon as you’ve registered. You have access to all the material for a full calendar year from the time you sign up, longer if you renew your access.

  • How long will it take to complete all the videos?

    We suggest anywhere from 4 to 12 weeks. We strongly recommend that you commit to a regular learning schedule that is going to work for you. If you don’t create a schedule chances are you won’t complete it; conversely if you try to tackle it all at once you may feel overwhelmed! There are 12 modules, so it may work well for you to commit to just one module per week for 12 weeks and take your time to really reflect on the material. Or, if time permits, you might tackle 3 modules per week, you can complete the course in 4 weeks.

  • How applicable is the content if I work for a small company or I’m in a unique industry?

    Although no two businesses are alike, the lessons about building a strong culture, motivating and engaging employees, and delivering outstanding service applies to virtually every imaginable work situation - whether you’re a team of 5 people or an organization of 50,000; whether you’re a government agency, non-profit association, or private business. And the examples shared in the course run the gamut in terms of size and types of organizations, so although some ideas may not work in your particular situation, we are confident there will be more than enough relevant ideas to work in any situation!

  • Can I earn professional learning credits for the course?

    Depending on your professional designation and association, you may earn professional credits. We will be looking to add more professional designations and associations over time - if you feel your professional/association affiliation may be a candidate for accreditation, please let us know!

  • Is there a quiz included?

    Because the course has been set up to earn professional learning credits, there are multiple test questions at the end of each module. We also included a quiz because we wanted to help reinforce some key messages. You will need 60% to pass each module and move on - but you can take the test as many times as needed until you pass! And yes, you will receive a Certificate of Achievement once you’ve completed the course and quiz.

  • What if I decide quickly that the course just isn’t a good fit for me?

    No worries! We offer a 100% money back guarantee within 7 days provided that you have not viewed or completed more than 10% of the course/program.

  • After completing the course, are there more resources or any additional help available to help make sure we don’t lose momentum and implement these great ideas?

    You bet! I’d be happy to discuss options with you that will work best for you - whether it’s a live onsite presentation, one-on-one or group coaching, or follow-up webinars. I’d also be happy to refer some of my trusted partners to help you with specific needs that I may not be able to help you or your organization with.

Let's talk about training for your organization.